Friday, November 04, 2005

Family Time

It was just a simple request. Just a “Dad, come down here and play blocks with me” Thursday nights is my men’s group meeting from church. We are currently studying “Love and Respect” by Emerson Eggerichs. It’s a good book by the way. Our current study time is every other week. One week we discuss the book and the next week is just an open week. Some of the men’s wives also meet together every other Thursday so the nights they meet is just an open week for us so some of the guys can stay home with the kids while their wives go to their group.
Anyway, this was an open week so after dinner I had 1 ½ hours before my group was to meet. So, I decided to get down in the floor and play with Colby some. Well, this grew into playing blocks with Colby, Zach and Gabe with Misty being down there with us. I was having so much fun with the boys that I decided to not attend my group. It’s not very often that I get this kind of time and I wanted to take in every bit of it. The tv got turned off around 6:30 and didn’t get turned back on. It was just me being in the floor with three boys using me as a jungle gym at times. And if you have ever had a 11 month old, you know how much drool is being flung around. Taking into account, I have twins. Needless to say, I feel like I took a bath sometimes last night, but I just count it as a badge of fatherhood. (
I don’t know for sure, but I think I learned a lot more by staying at home last night.