Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Just sitting here at my parents with my family and my brother and his family. Just wanted to drop a quick note wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Don't eat to much turkey. You might end up falling asleep on the couch or in a chair and have your picture taken like my dad and brother LOL



Happy New Year :) Hope your 2007 is a great one.

Misty and I stayed up and watched the ball drop. Colby stayed up also and we played Yahtzee twice. Colby beat us both times. Prety lucky for a four year old. Not only did he beat us, the first game his total was just a 100 points less than mine and Misty's total. Gee Wiz. Anyway, we was more than happy to play again today :)

A couple of thing for 2007 for me, get back to losing weight and getting off the ground. I need to come up with ways of getting my name out there so I can get some clients.

Anyway 2006 was a good year. Colby turned 4 and the twins turned 2. The twins are professional two-year-olds by the way. Especially Gabe:) I took Colby to his first baseball game. Celebrated my 8th year of being married to Misty. Changed jobs at work which gave me some "mangement" duties. Met a couple of fellow bloggers, Jim Walton and Tony Dye.

Not all was good though. The team I was on at work at the start of the year lost our team lead after a handgun accident. That was a hard week for us and we still miss Mitch. My best friend's dad passed away after battling an illness for a while.

Well, here's to a great 2007 and plenty of Bowl Games this week :)


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Date nights and fall

It’s been a pretty good couple of weeks. I have had two date nights with Misty including one where we got to stay out over night. My parents came up and watch the boys while we went out shopping and had dinner. It was good to get away. I feel it’s very important for us to get out once and a while and my parents help out when they can. They like it also as they get to spend a lot of time with the boys.
Colby especially loves it. When we got back, he looked at us and said he didn’t want them to leave :) Mom and dad were upstairs when we got back and we asked Colby what he had ate while we were gone. “I ate chips, I ate cookies and I ate candy.” Well, it’s not all perfect.
I guess they will get to see plenty of the boys in the next month or so. We are going to their house for Thanksgiving and then the weekend after that are the twins first birthday. Two weeks after that we are going down to their house for Christmas so the boys can see their tree and lights. The weekend after that is Christmas so I figured they will be up again.
Fall and the end of the year is always busy for us so we are always looking forward to the new year. Who knows what it will bring this go around?  

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Family Watchdog

After having kids, there are some things I think about that I never thought of before. Unfortunately, sex offender registries are one of those things. There is a new website out that compiles all of the data from the state’s data and uses Google Maps to create a map of offenders in your area. All you do is enter your address and it will do the rest. It’s called Family Watchdog. The mapping service is free, but for $18/year, you can have them email you when an offender moves into your area.

I hate thinking of stuff like this, but Misty worked in social services for a couple of years and I have heard general stories on how kids are treated and I can’t even think how bad some of these are. Misty checks the list in our area every so often so I can see us signing up in the future for the email notification..

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Template change

I decided a change was in order so I changed my template. I was afraid I lost my comments again, but reinstalling Haloscan into my new template brought them back :) Haloscan works pretty good as a third party app for comments and trackbacks.

Friday, November 04, 2005

A real big Opps

Thanks to my buddy Dan Roth for pointing this one out. You have to read the first paragraph real close to see the mistake. I don’t know how long this will be up so better read fast (

Family Time

It was just a simple request. Just a “Dad, come down here and play blocks with me” Thursday nights is my men’s group meeting from church. We are currently studying “Love and Respect” by Emerson Eggerichs. It’s a good book by the way. Our current study time is every other week. One week we discuss the book and the next week is just an open week. Some of the men’s wives also meet together every other Thursday so the nights they meet is just an open week for us so some of the guys can stay home with the kids while their wives go to their group.
Anyway, this was an open week so after dinner I had 1 ½ hours before my group was to meet. So, I decided to get down in the floor and play with Colby some. Well, this grew into playing blocks with Colby, Zach and Gabe with Misty being down there with us. I was having so much fun with the boys that I decided to not attend my group. It’s not very often that I get this kind of time and I wanted to take in every bit of it. The tv got turned off around 6:30 and didn’t get turned back on. It was just me being in the floor with three boys using me as a jungle gym at times. And if you have ever had a 11 month old, you know how much drool is being flung around. Taking into account, I have twins. Needless to say, I feel like I took a bath sometimes last night, but I just count it as a badge of fatherhood. (
I don’t know for sure, but I think I learned a lot more by staying at home last night.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Well, another Halloween has come and gone and still Colby won't go Trick or Treating. Even the free candy won't do it. He went to one house last night and after getting candy, looked at me and said he wanted to go home. Living in a new sub-division we didn't know how many kids we could expect. We didn't want to have a lot of candy left so we didn't buy to much. In the end, we bought way to much. We had a total of 2 kids. Yes two. It's a new area and downtown had something going on for the kids so that may have played a part. Maybe next year Colby will be more into it. It was better this year than last as he had a total fit on us.
Also, there was a 1st grader here in Jessamine Co. who was hit by a car going to a local church's Trunk or Treat and is in critical condition at UK Hospital. Just pass along a quick prayer for him and his family.