Monday, January 28, 2008

Church podcasting made easy

Wow, I must be getting back into this blogging thing :) Anyway, I was rummaging around the Joomla extensions site tonight and ran across this one. From the website

This component will manage mp3 sermons for churches on a Joomla website. It has an integrated Flash MP3 Player and supports iTunes integration, RSS feeds and the use of videos (.FLV).

I haven't used it so your mileage may vary but if you have a church website using Joomla, then this should be worth looking into.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


This weekend was my scheduled weekend to work production at church. I was scheduled to be the technical director, you know, push the right buttons when the director tells you to push them. The key word is was. I get there and on the staff tells me that I am directing. Ok. If I had known, I would have showed up for the producers meeting with the director and the assistant director. It was an interesting service to direct as it was kind of broken up in different pieces. Not your normal music then announcements and then message. No, the message was broken up into four parts with music mixed in with it.

Everything went ok. It wasn't my first time directing but I was told I was going to be placed into the mix for directors after the next month or so. I got a lot of good tips from the staff member that technical directed for me. I have a lot to learn but it was fun and I can't wait to learn more. So, if you have any directing tips, pass them along :)


Friday, January 25, 2008

Finances and taxes

Yuck. I'm tired already of taxes. Ok not really. I guess having a small income and three kids pays off sometimes ;) But really, it's time to start really getting our finances under control so hopefully this year I can get better organized and play a better role in our money. Misty pays the bills and handles pretty much everything but hopefully I can take that over this year.

A friend of mine is going to give me an old version of some finance software he has. He gets the newest version each year when he buys his tax software so that frees up the older version :) Hopefully I can jump in with that and take over our finances and mange it instead of it manging us.

I guess one good thing is that Dave Ramsey is coming to our church in March for two nights and I am going to be working production for at least one if not both nights. We have taking his Financial Peace University but it's always good to get a refresher and some additional motivation.

Anyway, here is hoping 2008 will be the year we beat the financial monster. :)


Friday, January 18, 2008

Just upset

I just want to ask why people have to say stuff about people when they don't have a clue :( Just asking.